Well I tried.
I wrote the Fair Trading Commission this week and protested against what I considered to be inadequate time for prospective Intervenors in the electricity rate hearing to apply for status and at the same time require that interrogatories be submitted along with the details about why they should be granted such status.
I reminded the FTC that the application was 700-plus pages and it was unlikely that prospective Intervenors would have had time to assemble experts, study the case and formalise pertinent questions in the time allowed.
The FTC responded in a letter signed by its acting General Legal Counsel by citing various items of legislation under which it operates but did not respond to the substantive points raised that included the advantage provided to the applicant and disadvantage to prospective Intervenor. It said it wanted to get an understanding of the areas of the application that persons were most concerned about. And it stated that further interrogatories could be submitted. It noted that persons have been given six weeks to submit their letters of intervention.
But there was no response to my argument that the time was inadequate. How does the FTC expect that within six weeks persons would have studied the 700-plus pages along with their experts in engineering, economics and chartered accountancy and come up with an indication of areas they "are most concerned about" unless they are given adequate time. I indicated that I was aware of an organisation that had started early but had not had time to identify experts to study the 700-plus pages - even at this time.
I have also made this complaint in other matters before the Commission. But one does not need to be told that you are butting your head against a stone wall.
I however have a hard head so I will keep butting.
Hallam Hope
(246) 822-1414
It Is Time For Christians to Fight Back
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