I am concerned. Can someone please tell me how the $4.00 charge will be imposed. Are we as customers to depend on Cable and Wireless to tinker in some way with the minutes available?
I hope not and will be keeping an eagle eye out to hear. I became even more concerned when I read in today's paper the below comment from a Cable & Wireless official:
"In terms of pre-paid, our engineers will have to look at how we can make adjustments and programming on our pre-paid platforms and in terms of having settlements," she noted.
Do we as consumers comprehend this statement. Lets talk about it and work out the possible reactions we as consumers should make to such an event.
It Is Time For Christians to Fight Back
General John Kelly of the US Southern Command has reported that about 150
persons left the Caribbean region in 2015 to fight with Islamic State – the
9 years ago
Harriett Harvey
Today at 1:25pm
I agree with you 100%, I am still looking forward to hear how they proprose getting the $4 from the pre paid users, I really dont feel that this is right at all. Are we not being charged enough already.
"Another ill thought out nuisance tax that is going to be difficult to collect. Perhaps you should ask the FTC their views on how the telecoms will demonstrate the charge to consumers. And to think that this is on top of the $100 license fee the government already gets for each handset."
It is going to be difficult to collect $4.00 per month from every pre paid user, so maybe it will be a few cents every day until you have paid $48.00 ($4x12mths).
Do we trust them to only collect $4.00?
Do you have the time to calculate what your balance should be after every call and then check it?
Would it be easier to raise the rates across the board?
Will the providers suggest this to the government?
More money for them = Less money for us.
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