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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fatal dose of Medicine

For those of you who put so much medical faith in Western Medicine I invite you to take a look at this. For those of you who have suffered or had family or friends that died, you have survived to tell the tale so tell it. The only health security you have is to avoid everything European and American.

Please click on this link: Fatal Dose


Madam President said...

Of course added to this is the won't go away story of the MMR vaccine and the prevalance of aids in Sub Sahara Africa. Some of the best chemists in the world have bought the theory that the vaccine is a contributing factor to the prevalance of aids in that area.

The lady who is preparing to go to court in the states with respect to her now autistic son.

There are many stories , but the difficulty is tangible proof.

AMIT said...

Some medicines are really danger for us.

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