You no longer have to pay more than a dollar for that overseas call to a friend in the U.S, Canada or the U.K.
Simply find an outlet for Blue Communications or Cable & Wireless and you can buy a card that allows you to make that call at 49 cents Barbados. The card can be used over a fixed line phone, namely the one in your home or at any other residence or business or at a pay phone.
It cannot be used via your cellular phone where that same call could cost up to $1.30.
If the monopoly an afford to offer 49 cents with a card from you home why can't they do the same without a card from your residence or business?
Based on information I have access to I believe these companies could easily be going to 35 cents.
What do you think?
Speak up, write your newspaper, call the call-in programmes, talk to your parliamentary representative and participate in this blog.
Hallam Hope
It Is Time For Christians to Fight Back
General John Kelly of the US Southern Command has reported that about 150
persons left the Caribbean region in 2015 to fight with Islamic State – the
9 years ago
Well...Well..and Cable and Wireless was in the press yesterday shouting that they had now reduced the cost of their card.
I think the calls need to go to Cable and Wireless. Lets tell them we are not convinced , that the reason the cost is down has nothing to do with the fact that 'the blue card' costed less than theirs.
Get involved..Call Cable and Wireless now
Forget about calling cards. You should be getting everyone using Skype. I call Canada for 4 cents a minute, or for free to my friends who have Skype installed on their machines.
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