What people don't want to complain. How about calling RBTT bank and having to be on hold for 20 mins; calling Pizza Man Doc and someone telling me "mek sure yuh send a good tip",; calling Pizza Man Doc and hearing the delivery guy did not come in because of "the rain"; I can write a book
Rip off prices - there is a convenience store in Thorpes selling a chicken for $30.10 cents the price of a pigeon. Every weeks Cavendish potatos are up by $1; The attitudes are horrible. there is a sense of entitlement in this country which makes workers believe they can behave any way. FIRE THEM! Why is N.I.S.E. there - as a silly joke?
How about leaving for Canada and being sexually harassed in security by G4S personnel and I reported it and got no answer (well no satisfactory one); how about the attitude of customs officers when they see my British passport but know I am a legal resident but stamp me a visitor anyhow.
How about the attitude when just shopping or in a bank. OMG, the service sucks, the attitudes suck, the people are angry and miserable and equate service with servitude. How about going to dinner and getting the wrong order everytime from a certain upscale restaurant. How about a barman stealing you change in 2nd St. I can go on. I am not the only one.I think I'll drink my martini at home and travel. I will not tip a soul for poor service! What is the purpose of NISE? C'mon Kim Tudor? I like you, what's up with this and Public Sector Reform or has that gone the way of all flesh!
How about lame journalism in both daily papers and the same on our airwaves. Where did all the tenets of journalism go to make way for sensationalism and the destruction of people in cou cou and flying fish and pudding and souse on Saturdays, is that "we culture" cos it is not mine. I mind my own business.
It Is Time For Christians to Fight Back
General John Kelly of the US Southern Command has reported that about 150
persons left the Caribbean region in 2015 to fight with Islamic State – the
9 years ago
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